
See the original photo here.
See more of Wink's work here! :)

To The Troops

I support each of you -- as always. Your work -- your sacrifices -- the risks you take -- and what your family and loved ones go through when you are away. I'll never take you for granted and I pray for you every day. You know you make us all proud back here at home! Come back to us soon, safe and sound! :)

And for all the men and women in uniform: cops, troops of course, and those in plain clothes. Together, you are "The Atlas" of the world, and it is for you that the world is a better place. Stay safe!

About Me

My photo
Key West, FL, United States
I find that life is both mystifying and magical. Something is always casting a new perspective on things, in amusing and astonishing ways. These perplexities confound and amaze me, and make me eager for each new day. And sometimes, they just confound and confuse me, but we all have those days! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010


If you look up the word "Fair", you may shocked at the possible meanings -- anything from appearance being attractive, to things improving, to things being good, to --- what? -- things appearing good, but being false! *

* Definition Of Fairness at Encarta

I'm coming to find that things can have a lot of different meanings -- if you let others decide for you what that is, it can be all kinds of confusing. You can quite literally chase your tail trying to figure out what to do based on what others seem to want you to do.

But perhaps the truest meaning of something is what you decide it has for yourself.

Maybe we need to stop asking "Is it fair" and start asking "What's it worth" "What can I learn" "What is the importance to me..."

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